Our Community Place is a local drop-in Neighbourhood Centre providing information and referral, supports and activities for families, individuals, and children in Lake Macquarie with a focus on the suburbs of Windale, Gateshead, and Charlestown.

Many of our programs are delivered within the Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) program funded by NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

Our Community Place is a local drop-in Neighbourhood Centre providing information and referral, supports and activities for families, individuals, and children in Lake Macquarie with a focus on the suburbs of Windale, Gateshead, and Charlestown.

Many of our programs are delivered within the Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) program funded by NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

Our Vision

Empowering and creating opportunities for families and the community.

Our Mission

Our Community Place is a child safe not for profit organisation that promotes resilience and empowerment for individuals, families, and community through:

  • Identification and development of opportunities
  • Sharing of information and resources
  • Formation of partnerships
  • Facilitation of social engagement

In a timely and inclusive manner.

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Our Community Place Inc
Our Community Place Inc5 days ago
Welcome Back!

For lunch we are having Sausages, Mixed Veggie and Mashed Potato with Onion Gravy, and Jelly, Fruit Salad and Ice-Cream for dessert.
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NSW Communities & Justice

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